This Is Wingman.

Wingman is that little Valorant guy as a Discord bot. Just like how this little guy is useful in-game, he is also useful in Discord.

What can Wingman do?

This is an up-to-date list of what Wingman is capable of doing. Not every command is listed here.

Empower Your Staff with Moderation abilities

Take Action Now

You can get your very own version of Wingman by contacting nexq within his server.

About Wingman

Wingman is a Valorant-themed Powerful Discord Bot capable of having conversations with server members using ChatGPT3.5-turbo LLM. The bot is capable of playing music at anytime with none of those premium costs to maintain and run the bot full time.


Wingman Uptime



1 Month+

Since Wingman was born


Members across servers

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